Tag Archives: Brigitte Bardot

The New Year’s Resolutions I Actually Want To Keep

30 Dec

I’ve decided there’s no point making resolutions to lose weight/gain self-control/give up smoking. That last one is particularly pointless as I don’t currently smoke. Instead, I have come up with five New Year’s reso-woohoo-tions that make me feel excited rather than doomed. My hope is that this will make them easier to keep, resulting in feelings of achievement and elation rather than the usual sensations I associate with New Year’s resolutions – low self-worth and a burning desire to eat a whole tube of Pringles in one brief sitting. Obviously with these resolutions I have aimed high and tackled the issues in my life that really matter.

1. Wear more trousers


I can be found in skirts and dresses nearly every day but in 2014 I intend to wear vintage style jeans without crying and to romp about in capri pants, even if I do horrify strangers with my brazen cankle exposure. I will never abandon frocks as I am not a turncoat (turnfrock?) but this year I will sometimes embrace having two legs.

2. Make the beehive my bitch


Are these resolutions too superficial and self-involved? Excellent, that’s exactly what I’m going for. It’s going to be a vain year. I covet voluminous hair piled high in the manner of a sixties sex kitten and I think that backcombing it myself will be empowering. I’m aiming for Brigitte Bardot meets Gizzi Erskine. On my head. And they look fabulous.

3. Show you how I burlesque


Regrettably neither of these goddesses are me, but they do illustrate the kind of fun and frolics I will enjoy once I master the art of the tease. Watch out people with a nervous disposition, tassel twirling is about to become my new party trick. I’ll try not to take your eye out.

4. Explore vintage London

vintage London

This city I call home is rammed with exciting vintagey goings-on and I hereby vow to get out there and have more glorious, lace-trimmed adventures and document them smugly on Instaglam.

5. Learn to cocktail


I thought about learning to cook but decided that was too sensible and unrealistic. Cocktails are less effort, less calories and more fun than proper meals. Plus there’s less washing up involved.

What are your New Year’s resolutions, vintage lovers? xx